Fresh Carrot

This Fresh Carrot is a kind of root vegetable, which is generally considered as the perfect healthy food. It is crisp, tender, delicious and nutritious. Carrots are rich β Carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium and antioxidant. It also has many health benefits. It is a food that helps to lose weight and is associated with lowering cholesterol levels and improving eye health. More importantly, its carotene is associated with a reduced risk of cancer. Vitamin A helps support T cells, the white blood cells that help our immune system, to do their job. Therefore, the use of carrots can enhance the immune system, so that your body can better resist infection. Carrot is a high fiber food. Each raw carrot contains 3.58 grams of fiber, which contributes to intestinal health.
Product Benefits
This Fresh Carrot is rich in carotene, which is helpful to the health of the cornea. The vitamins contained in this product can help reduce the risk of vision loss and night blindness. The product is rich in β Carotene helps protect your skin from UV radiation. Carrots help to lose weight. This is because the fiber in carrots will make people feel full, which will make you eat fewer calories. This product is rich in soluble fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol. This product is rich in folic acid, and folic acid is very effective in preventing cancer. Folic acid supplementation by eating carrots can prevent some gynecological diseases. This product is rich in vitamin A. For people with dry eye, night blindness and visual fatigue, eating carrots properly can improve eyesight and relieve visual fatigue.