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Fresh Ginger Root

pubdate:2024-03-09   click:

Anqiu city is a famous ginger base in China with more than 500 years of planting gingers.

And it has become one of famous brand in Local.

We have our own processing plant to produce fresh ginger, washing, polishing, storage, packaging and other links to ensure high quality standards. Mostly of fresh ginger to middle east and mostly of dry ginger to European.

We can packed some kinds of size and package, 150g, 200g, 250g, 300g and up, for the package, carton and plastic carton, 5kg, 7kg. 8kg, 9kg,10kg, 13kg and so on.

Each advice from our customers gets our higher attention. We punctually inform our customer each step done here after the order confirmed. More importantly, services after goods arrival also draw our attention which enabled us to have long-term business relations.

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    701 Room,Unit 2, Building 8, Hongxing No.1 , Liuhang street, Gaoxin District , Jining City , Shandong, China



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